API Paykassa – stop solution for online payments in the cryptocurrency.
The IP address of the server sending notification to SCI:,,,, 2604:a880:4:1d0::1d1:d000. The current IP list can be obtained in text format by URL: https://paykassa.pro/ips.txt, JSON: https://paykassa.pro/ips.php
Check the documentation on connecting Paykassa.
Detailed documentationDownload and connect PHP classes to receive payments and benefits.
SCI classes to receive payments API classes for paymentsOpen an example code on GitHub
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaSCI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $params = [ "amount" => null, "system" => "TRON_TRC20", "currency" => "USDT", "order_id" => "My order id " . microtime(true), "comment" => "My comment", ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaSCI( $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $res = $paykassa->createAddress( $params["system"], $params["currency"], $params["order_id"], $params["comment"] ); if ($res['error']) { echo $res['message']; // actions in case of an error } else { if (false === $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"]) { $invoice_id = $res['data']['invoice']; $address = $res["data"]["wallet"]; $tag = $res["data"]["tag"]; $tag_name = $res["data"]["tag_name"]; $is_tag = $res["data"]["is_tag"]; $system = $res["data"]["system"]; $currency = $res["data"]["currency"]; $display = sprintf("address %s", $address); if ($is_tag) { $display = sprintf("address %s %s: %s", $address, mb_convert_case($tag_name, MB_CASE_TITLE), $tag); } if (null === $params["amount"]) { echo sprintf( "Send money to the %s %s %s.", $system, $currency, htmlspecialchars($display,ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") ); } else { echo sprintf( "Send %s %s to the %s %s.", $params["amount"], $currency, $system, htmlspecialchars($display, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") ); } //Creating QR $qr_request = $paykassa->getQrLink($res['data'], $params["amount"]); if (!$qr_request["error"]) { echo sprintf( '<br><br>QR Code:<br><img alt="" src="https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=300x300&data=%s">', $qr_request["data"]["link"] ); } } else { echo sprintf('Test link: <a target="_blank" href="%s">Open link</a>', $res["data"]["url"]); } }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaSCI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaSCI( $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $private_hash = $_POST["private_hash"]; $res = $paykassa->checkTransactionIpn( $private_hash ); if ($res['error']) { echo $res['message']; // actions in case of an error } else { // actions in case of success $transaction = $res["data"]["transaction"]; // transaction number in the system paykassa: 2431548 $txid = $res["data"]["txid"]; // A transaction in a cryptocurrency network, an example: 0xb97189db3555015c46f2805a43ed3d700a706b42fb9b00506fbe6d086416b602 $shop_id = $res["data"]["shop_id"]; // Your merchant's number, example: 138 $id = $res["data"]["order_id"]; // unique numeric identifier of the payment in your system, example: 150800 $amount = $res["data"]["amount"]; // received amount, example: 1.0000000 $fee = $res["data"]["fee"]; // Payment processing commission: 0.0000000 $currency = $res["data"]["currency"]; // the currency of payment, for example: DASH $system = $res["data"]["system"]; // system, example: Dash $address_from = $res["data"]["address_from"]; // address of the payer's cryptocurrency wallet, example: 0x5d9fe07813a260857cf60639dac710ebb9531a20 $address = $res["data"]["address"]; // a cryptocurrency wallet address, for example: Xybb9RNvdMx8vq7z24srfr1FQCAFbFGWLg $tag = $res["data"]["tag"]; // Tag for Ripple and Stellar is an integer $confirmations = $res["data"]["confirmations"]; // Current number of network confirmations $required_confirmations = $res["data"]["required_confirmations"]; // Required number of network confirmations for crediting $status = $res["data"]["status"]; // yes - if the payment is credited $static = $res["data"]["static"]; // Always yes $date_update = $res["data"]["date_update"]; // last updated information, example: "2018-07-23 16:03:08" $explorer_address_link = $res["data"]["explorer_address_link"]; // A link to view information about the address $explorer_transaction_link = $res["data"]["explorer_transaction_link"]; // Link to view transaction information if ($status !== 'yes') { //the payment has not been credited yet // your code... echo $id.'|success'; // confirm receipt of the request } else { //the payment is credited // your code... echo $id.'|success'; // be sure to confirm the payment has been received } }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaAPI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $params = [ "merchant_id" => $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], "wallet" => [ "address" => "TTEAUAzhSFomrv9P7Q5AcqTchWHBq745gh", "tag" => "", ], "amount" => "5.123456", "system" => "TRON_TRC20", "currency" => "USDT", "comment" => "My comment", "priority" => "medium", // low, medium, high ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaAPI( $secret_keys_and_config["api_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["api_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $res = $paykassa->sendMoney( $params["merchant_id"], $params["wallet"], $params["amount"], $params["system"], $params["currency"], $params["comment"], $params["priority"] ); if ($res["error"]) { // $res["error"] - true if the error echo $res["message"]; // $res["message"] - the text of the error message //actions in case of an error } else { //actions in case of success $merchant_id = $res["data"]["shop_id"]; // merchant id that you originally made payment, example 122 $transaction = $res["data"]["transaction"]; // transaction number of the payment, example 130236 $txid = $res["data"]["txid"]; // txid 70d6dc6841782c6efd8deac4b44d9cc3338fda7af38043dd47d7cbad7e84d5dd can be empty // In this case, the information about the transaction can be obtained using a universal link from the Explorer_Transaction_Link field, see below $payment_id = $res["data"]["payment_id"]; // Payment transaction number in the payment system, example 478937139 $amount = $res["data"]["amount"]; // the amount of the payment, how much was written off from the balance of the merchant 0.42 $amount_pay = $res["data"]["amount_pay"]; // the amount of the payment, as it is the user, example: 0.41 $system = $res["data"]["system"]; // the system of payment, which was made the payment, example: Bitcoin $currency = $res["data"]["currency"]; // the payment currency, for example: BTC $number = $res["data"]["number"]; // the address where you sent the funds $commission_percent = $res["data"]["shop_commission_percent"];// the transfer fee percentage, example: 1.5 $commission_amount = $res["data"]["shop_commission_amount"]; // the transfer fee amount, example: 1.00 $paid_commission = $res["data"]["paid_commission"]; // who paid for the Commission, for example: shop $explorer_address_link = $res["data"]["explorer_address_link"]; // A link to view information about the address $explorer_transaction_link = $res["data"]["explorer_transaction_link"]; // Link to view transaction information echo sprintf( 'We have sent the %s %s %s to <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a>. The txid is <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a>', $system, $amount, $currency, $explorer_address_link, $number, $explorer_transaction_link, $txid ); }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaAPI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $params = [ "merchant_id" => $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaAPI( $secret_keys_and_config["api_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["api_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $invice_ids = [ "37411867", "37411866", "37411863", ]; $res = $paykassa->getTxIdsByInvoiceIds( $params["merchant_id"], $invice_ids ); if ($res["error"]) { // $res["error"] - true if the error echo $res["message"]; // $res["message"] - the text of the error message //actions in case of an error } else { ?><ul><?php foreach ($invice_ids as $invoice_id) { //IMPORTANT!!!! if (!isset($res["data"][$invoice_id])) { continue; } $txids = $res["data"][$invoice_id]; ?><li><?php echo sprintf("Invoice ID: %s<br>", $invoice_id); foreach ($txids as $txid) { echo sprintf("TXID: %s<br>", $txid); } ?></li><?php } ?></ul><?php }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaSCI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaSCI( $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); if ("GET" === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { $list = \Paykassa\PaykassaSCI::getPaymentSystems("crypto"); ?> <form action="" method="POST"> <label>Select payment direction</label> <select name="pscur"> <option value="">---</option> <?php foreach ($list as $item) { ?> <?php foreach ($item["currency_list"] as $currency) { ?> <option value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( sprintf("%s_%s", mb_strtolower($item["system"]), mb_strtolower($currency)), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); ?>"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%s %s", $item["display_name"], $currency), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); ?> </option> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </select> <button>To pay</button> </form> <?php exit(0); } @list($system, $currency) = preg_split('~_(?=[^_]*$)~', $_POST["pscur"]); $params = [ "amount" => null, "system" => $system, "currency" => $currency, "order_id" => "My order id " . microtime(true), "comment" => "My comment", ]; $res = $paykassa->createAddress( $params["system"], $params["currency"], $params["order_id"], $params["comment"] ); if ($res['error']) { echo $res['message']; // actions in case of an error } else { if (false === $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"]) { $invoice_id = $res['data']['invoice']; $address = $res["data"]["wallet"]; $tag = $res["data"]["tag"]; $tag_name = $res["data"]["tag_name"]; $is_tag = $res["data"]["is_tag"]; $system = $res["data"]["system"]; $currency = $res["data"]["currency"]; $display = sprintf("address %s", $address); if ($is_tag) { $display = sprintf("address %s %s: %s", $address, mb_convert_case($tag_name, MB_CASE_TITLE), $tag); } if (null === $params["amount"]) { echo sprintf( "Send money to the %s %s %s.", $system, $currency, htmlspecialchars($display,ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") ); } else { echo sprintf( "Send %s %s to the %s %s.", $params["amount"], $currency, $system, htmlspecialchars($display, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") ); } //Creating QR $qr_request = $paykassa->getQrLink($res['data'], $params["amount"]); if (!$qr_request["error"]) { echo sprintf( '<br><br>QR Code:<br><img alt="" src="https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=300x300&data=%s">', $qr_request["data"]["link"] ); } } else { echo sprintf('Test link: <a target="_blank" href="%s">Open link</a>', $res["data"]["url"]); } }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaSCI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $params = [ "amount" => "100.00", "system" => "BitCoin", "currency" => "BTC", "order_id" => "My order id " . microtime(true), "comment" => "My comment", ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaSCI( $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $res = $paykassa->createOrder( $params["amount"], $params["system"], $params["currency"], $params["order_id"], $params["comment"] ); if ($res['error']) { echo $res['message']; // actions in case of an error } else { if (false === $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"]) { ?> Click the button to make the payment <form action="<?php echo $res["data"]["url"]; ?>" method="POST"> <button>To pay</button> </form> <?php } else { echo sprintf('Test link: <a target="_blank" href="%s">Open link</a>', $res["data"]["url"]); } }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaSCI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaSCI( $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $private_hash = $_POST["private_hash"]; $res = $paykassa->checkOrderIpn( $private_hash ); if ($res['error']) { echo $res['message']; // actions in case of an error } else { // actions in case of success $id = $res["data"]["order_id"]; // unique numeric identifier of the payment in your system, example: 150800 $transaction = $res["data"]["transaction"]; // transaction number in the system paykassa: 96401 $hash = $res["data"]["hash"]; // hash, example: bde834a2f48143f733fcc9684e4ae0212b370d015cf6d3f769c9bc695ab078d1 $currency = $res["data"]["currency"]; // the currency of payment, for example: DASH $system = $res["data"]["system"]; // system, example: Dash $address = $res["data"]["address"]; // a cryptocurrency wallet address, for example: Xybb9RNvdMx8vq7z24srfr1FQCAFbFGWLg $tag = $res["data"]["tag"]; // Tag for Ripple and Stellar $partial = $res["data"]["partial"]; // set up underpayments or overpayments 'yes' to accept, 'no' - do not take $amount = $res["data"]["amount"]; // invoice amount example: 1.0000000 if ($partial === 'yes') { // the amount of application may differ from the amount received, if the mode of partial payment // relevant only for cryptocurrencies, default is 'no' } // your code... echo $id.'|success'; // be sure to confirm the payment has been received }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaAPI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $params = [ "merchant_id" => $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaAPI( $secret_keys_and_config["api_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["api_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $res = $paykassa->getMerchantBalances( $params["merchant_id"] ); if ($res["error"]) { // $res["error"] - true if the error echo $res["message"]; // $res["message"] - the text of the error message //actions in case of an error } else { $system = "Ethereum_ERC20"; $currency = "USDT"; $label = mb_strtolower(sprintf("%s_%s", $system, $currency)); $data = $res["data"]; echo sprintf( "Balance for %s %s %s", $system, $data[$label] ?? "0.0", $currency ); }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaAPI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $params = [ "type" => "pay_in", //pay_in, pay_out "shop_id" => $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], "page_num" => 0, "status" => "yes", //yes - success, no - waiting or unsuccessful "datetime_start" => "2022-12-08T19:58:00+0000", //ISO 8601 "datetime_end" => '2023-01-12T19:58:00+0000', //ISO 8601 - date("c", time()) ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaAPI( $secret_keys_and_config["api_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["api_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $res = $paykassa->getHistory( $params ); $index = 1; do { if ($res["error"]) { // $res["error"] - true if the error echo $res["message"]; // $res["message"] - the text of the error message //actions in case of an error break; } else { foreach ($res["data"]["list"] as $item) { echo sprintf("<b>Index - %d, Page - %d Total page - %d</b><br>", $index, $params["page_num"] + 1, $res["data"]["page_count"]); print_r($item); echo "<br>"; $index += 1; } } $params["page_num"] += 1; } while ($params["page_num"] < $res["data"]["page_count"]);
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaAPI.php"; $secret_keys_and_config = [ "merchant_id" => "Merchant ID", "merchant_password" => "Merchant Password", "api_id" => "API ID", "api_password" => "API Password", "config" => [ "test_mode" => false, ], ]; $params = [ "merchant_id" => $secret_keys_and_config["merchant_id"], ]; $paykassa = new \Paykassa\PaykassaAPI( $secret_keys_and_config["api_id"], $secret_keys_and_config["api_password"], $secret_keys_and_config["config"]["test_mode"] ); $res = $paykassa->getMerchantInfo( $params["merchant_id"] ); if ($res["error"]) { // $res["error"] - true if the error echo $res["message"]; // $res["message"] - the text of the error message //actions in case of an error } else { var_dump($res["data"]["info"]); }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaCurrency.php"; $pairs = [ "BTC_USD", "USDT_ETH", "XRP_ADA", ]; $res = \Paykassa\PaykassaCurrency::getCurrencyPairs($pairs); if ($res["error"]) { die($res["message"]); } else { $map_pairs = []; array_map(function ($pairs) use (&$map_pairs) { foreach ($pairs as $pair => $value) { $map_pairs[$pair] = $value; } }, $res["data"]); foreach ($map_pairs as $pair => $rate) { echo sprintf("Pairs - %s -> %s<br>", $pair, $rate); } $my_pair = "BTC_USD"; echo sprintf("Request %s -> %s<br>", $my_pair, $map_pairs[$my_pair]); }
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<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/PaykassaCurrency.php"; $res = \Paykassa\PaykassaCurrency::getAvailableCurrencies(); if ($res["error"]) { die($res["message"]); } else { print_r($res["data"]); }